High School Grads Deserve a Great Career

Not a Dead End Job

there are many entry level manufacturing jobs available for graduating seniors. Career Day helps match them to the right company

Guiding students to the right careers and the employers who need them


Career Day Outreach 

Pre-vetted candidates for your entry-level jobs

We identify qualified and motivated high school students and show them what it takes to be successful. Then we introduce the best ones to your organization.


Career Day Assessment

The most accurate high school career assessment available.

Students get a clear picture of their strengths, interests, and values.  It’s a powerful tool that makes it easier for Counselors to guide students to the right career.

Why Career Day?

Career Day’s combination of assessment and outreach brings together what schools and employers need to help students find the right career path after graduation. 
The end results are counselors who can really make a difference, employers who get the right candidates for their positions, and students who don’t just have a job, but are on a career path with endless possibilities.

The Career Day team is ready to get your school or organization started on the road to real success.

career day helps students the best fit job for them by taking out skills + personality assessment

What are people Saying About Career Day

We asked: What value did you and/or your organization get from this event?

“Great value, our students learned about a job sector that they had very limited knowledge on. A few students stated that they are going to pursue the opportunities that were presented at the event which was a big win for our school!” – Lorenzo Debillis, Career Counselor at Los Altos HS

We asked: Why would you recommend this to other organizations?

“I would recommend an event like this as it opens the perspective of students who are not driven to college or further formal education at this time, and those that are seeking quality jobs that they have access to immediately after college.” – Lorenzo Debillis, Career Counselor at Los Altos HS

We asked: What value did you and/or your organization get from this event?

“The ability to reach young people when I believe they are at a crossroads in their lives, when deciding what they want to do after high school. Explaining that there is an alternative.” – Alex Flores, Member Teamsters Local 630

We asked: Why would you recommend this to other organizations?

“I would recommend it definitely” – Alex Flores, Member Teamsters Local 630

Learn about our Programs for Employers, Counselors and Students?