Like anything else in this world, the resume has changed and evolved over time. What worked for people five or ten years ago doesn’t work today. The creation of the digital marketplace has made certain things we do obsolete and it’s also made parts of the resume obsolete as well. While it certainly isn’t the end of the world to include these things in your submission, it’s probably not a good idea if you want to seem current and knowledgeable about how the world works today.
Here at Career Day, we teach people how to write resumes every day. We have to make sure that we’re teaching things correctly, so we are always looking for the latest and greatest in resume writing. In this Buzzfeed interview, a senior recruiter at Google talks about those things that have been included in resumes for decades but no longer really have a purpose. Things like your physical address, or the good old “references provided upon request” no longer have any weight. Read the article and see what things you still have in your resume that you don’t need. Let us know what you had if you’re going to take it out or keep it.
Remember, there are more than one way to skin a cat!