Career Day Assessment Qualification Assessment
Personality Traits: Job Roles & Career Pathways
Personality styles vs. personality traits: Which is a better predictor of job performance?
Personality style questions do not map directly to job roles and are situational or change over time. Personality trait questions predict job success across job roles and are stable situationally and over time. Personality style questions are situational and cannot predict on-the-job performance. (Do you really want employees who are reserved in team exercises, or someone who is engaged when they should be focused?)
- The personality traits that people have, such as ethics, empathy, problem solving, critical thinking, and detail orientation, are robust, do not change situationally, and have science to support their use. They have been shown to be unbiased and directly related to employment. The personality traits we measure are easily mapped into learning programs, job roles, career pathways, etc. Personality styles are not easily mapped into what is required to be successful in job roles or learning pathways.
- Since personality traits are needed at different levels for different roles (e.g., ethics is needed for all jobs, but some jobs like cyber security, finance and medical roles need higher levels than other roles like customer service and hospitality), we assess not just if a personality traits exists, but at what level. This is important to do a more effective job identifying both which individuals are a closer match to roles and pathways but how people can effectively target their development in terms of time and money to ensure they are more successful and a better match for more roles now and into the future.

Take Our Special My Inner Genius Assessment ($49.95)
Our Assessments first gives the applicant a review of their interests and preferences in a job and display the magnitude of the preference.

One’s preferences are then displayed with a graph showing how closely a preference marches the ideal interests of a specific job or class of job.

Based on all of these results, one or more of several groupings of CTE pathways job groups are recommended. Another short assessment is then required to narrow the jobs that are best suited to a satisfying career for the applicant. Recruiters having access to this information can match the interests, preferences and skills reported by the assessment to help choose the best and proper carer path for that applicant. Getting better pre-qualified applicants will reduce the hiring cost and reduce churn of new hires creating additional savings (see our blog showing the statistics).

Here are the full PDFs of our assessment reports which are available to the applicant and recruiters for their own evaluation, from our pre-qualification assessments: