The Genesis of Career Day

After years of working in education, the founders of Career Day had heard enough stories from students, job seekers, educators, and employers about the trouble they’re having with the changing labor market. More people are skipping college for work, and with a tight labor market, more employers are struggling to find and retain good people. There had to be a way to help both sides of the equation in this new world of work.

We heard from employers about how hard it is to find, and retain, good entry level employees. From application overload to lack of motivation, employers were bogged down with the process of finding and keeping new hires. 

For educators it’s about finding the time to give the right guidance to students and for accessing ways to connect their students to the right employer.  

Career Day is the answer to both problems. It was created to help give students, job seekers, educators, and employers a clear path to find each other and create meaningful connections. With so many exciting opportunities for students in the new job market it’s important that they get connected to the careers that are right for them. We give employers the help they need in getting access to the new cohort of employees and a way to increase the chance that this new person will be the right fit and stay longer. We give counselors more time and more focus in the help they give their students. And we connect students to the jobs that will set them off to a successful career.  


*34% of high school students join the workforce immediately after graduation
*66% of community college students work while going to school. 32% of them work full time
*70% of four-year college students have jobs while attending school.

*Employers spend as much as $6,500 and 40 hours finding people 

*U.S Department of Education

Current Management Team

Steve Abrams Co-Founder of Career Day

Stephan Abrams, Co-Founder

Steve is an educator and media specialist who sees the value in changing the way we experience the job search. He has seen how people without a college degree can be successful and happy in what they do.

Marty Lashenick, Co-Founder of Career Day

Marty Lashenick, Co-Founder
Marty is a life-long advocate for students. He has seen the trials and struggles that can happen for students after graduation and wants to give them the tools they need to be successful.

David C Aaronson is the CMO and CTO of Career Day

David C Aaronson CMO & CTO
Marketing Executive at
General Electric, Oracle
and Sun Microsytems and
currently Owner and Managing Director / Chief Strategist of his own marketing agency in its 27th year.

Miriam Quast is a Regional Sales Manager for Career Day

Miriam Quast, Regional Sales Director

Miriam joins Career Day after a 25+ year career in talent recruitment . Her wealth of experience has shown her the value in connecting employers and young talent to create success for everyone.

Link to Video interview with Steve Abrams

The path to a career not just a job can be difficult, but career Day provides a smoother road to success.

Our Values

We support students and job seekers that are hardworking, driven, and ready for success! By embodying these three values of curiosity, determination, and community, we can get those students exactly where they want to go.

Curiosity >

The desire to search and grow. Being open to new things and new ideas. We feel that being curious is the only way to find that thing that’s not right in front of us. That thing that can change our lives.

Determination >

The desire to search and grow. Being open to new things and new ideas. We feel that being curious is the only way to find that thing that’s not right in front of us. That thing that can change our lives.

Community >

We are all in this together. Our job is to bring people together and find ways to get them working! Career Day isn’t just a job site or an education site. It’s a community of people with a common goal.

Assessment – Outreach – Hiring.

The Career Day program is designed to serve all the stakeholders in the post-graduation job search. It changes the way that students, educators, and employers can get connected in the modern hiring environment. Everything we do is purpose driven to help students and employers create successful and long-lasting relationships. 


The Career Day Outreach Program is built to help employers fill their empty position not just with a body, but with a person who has been pre-screened through the use of the Career Day Assessment from MyInnerGenius1.

In today’s job market it’s become increasingly difficult for employers to find the right person who will not just succeed but will STAY! The average entry level employee stays for less than 9 months before jumping ship. The cost of finding these people averages $10,000. That’s a horrible ROI for the work required.

Our program gets the employer in front of the people who fit their needs and does it in a way that is targeted and effective. Our outreach program aligns employers with prospects who have been involved in the right CTE pathways to fit their needs. These students are already looking for the job, they just don’t know where to find it. We connect those students with the employers who need them. It’s a great way to get hires that work happy and stay longer! 

Career Day is an employer’s new secret weapon in breaking through the hiring logjam.

Contact us! 


Using the CTE pathway educators and counselors can be more purposeful in how they help their students find their way from graduation to career. The Career Day Assessment allows counselors to pinpoint the right areas, and then provide effective direction in ways that save them time and money. The Career Day Outreach Program allows them to bring in employers who are not just looking but are looking for the students from the CTE pathways they’re focused on at their school. It makes them more effective in their work. 
Download Assessment Review Case Study

Contact Us.


Students can leverage the power of the Career Day Assessment designed by MyInnerGenius. Through that powerful tool young people can find the CTE pathway that fits their skills, personality, and values. Knowing the CTE pathway that fits them best can help students find career paths where they can find success immediately. It can give them confidence to push themselves and earn the kind of money that makes them independent right away. 

No matter who you are, Career Day can work for you! 

We’re Changing the Job Search Game

1- A short list of users of MyInnerGenius assessments: IBM, Franklin, US Dept. of Labor, State of California, Texas Workforce Commission, USO, Microsoft