Career Day Testimonials
We asked: What value did you and/or your organization get from this event?
“Great value, our students learned about a job sector that they had very limited knowledge on. A few students stated that they are going to pursue the opportunities that were presented at the event which was a big win for our school!” – Lorenzo Debillis, Career Counselor at Los Altos HS
We asked: Why would you recommend this to other organizations?
“I would recommend an event like this as it opens the perspective of students who are not driven to college or further formal education at this time, and those that are seeking quality jobs that they have access to immediately after college.” – Lorenzo Debillis, Career Counselor at Los Altos HS
We asked: What value did you and/or your organization get from this event?
“The ability to reach young people when I believe they are at a crossroads in their lives, when deciding what they want to do after high school. Explaining that there is an alternative.” – Alex Flores, Teamsters Local 630
We asked: Why would you recommend this to other organizations?
“I would recommend it definitely” – Alex Flores, Teamsters Local 630
We Asked: How would you describe the association with and working with Marty and Career
“Marty is a people person. One particular thing I like probably the most is his follow-up, his communication, and keeping it in front of us. He works very good with our HR team that’s domiciled at those locations. – Tim Dietz, Dairy Farmer’s of America, Senior HR Executive
“I met Marty and he was telling me about Career Day’s concept at the local schools. In some areas, I would say that previously we had not targeted that directly. … We feel not only can we get out there now, get a whole new group of younger workers into very good jobs that pay excellent with good benefits, designed for longevity.” – Tim Dietz, Dairy Farmer’s of America, Senior HR Executive
We asked: How do you feel about working with Career Day?
I understand the demographics and I know that any company that does not get involved now in five years will be sorry they didn’t get in on this sort of thing. Tim Dietz, Dairy Farmer’s of America, Senior HR Executive
One particular thing I like probably the most is Career Day’s follow-up, and communication, and keeping it in front of us. Tim Dietz, Dairy Farmer’s of America, Senior HR Executive
Career Day also works very well, as I can tell from the communications, with the schools. They are timely, these are all the things you need when you’re putting together a program Putting your name out there. Tim Dietz, Dairy Farmer’s of America, Senior HR Executive
Video Interview with our Co-Founder Steve Abrams, M. Ed. — Link to Video Transcript.
Please set a date and time on our calendar at your convenience to speak and learn how Career Day helps new employees succeed and companies outreach to their local communities.