Career Day FAQs


Who is Career Day?

Career Day is a collection of people passionate about helping young people find a rewarding career after they graduate. It’s people from both the educational space and the corporate space with one thing in mind: creating the new generation of successful people.

What is Career Day?

Career Day is a place where students, educators, and employers can connect in ways never done before. The combination of our assessment and outreach programs creates a new and exciting avenue for young people to find, access, and land a fantastic career.

Where can I use Career Day?

Everyone can access the Career Day program from any connected device.

Is Career Day a job board?

Career Day is NOT a job board. It’s a place where employers come to connect with young people who have the right skills, interests, and personality to succeed at their company. Using our Career Day Assessment we make sure that it’s a perfect match! 

What if the student doesn’t have a resume?

There are resources on the site for students to build a resume, even if they’ve never held a real job. We help them uncover and communicate their hidden experiences, skills, and talents. When they’re done, they’ll have a resume that will be accepted by any employer!

Is Career Day right for my school or organization?

If you’re a school or organization that has young people who are getting ready to transition to work or higher education then, Career Day has created a unique set of procedures to help them transition into a rewarding career suited to their skills and personality. This is accomplished with the use of our special Assessment developed in partnership with My Inner Genius.

What happens to my personal information on Career Day?

Nothing happens to your personal information that you don’t want to happen. It is kept confidential on our secure servers.

Is Career Day FERPA compliant?

Yes, Career Day is Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act compliant.

Can parents use Career Day?

Parents are welcome to buy access to the Career Day assessment. If they are right for one of our open positions they are welcome to contact us for assistance in the application process at our partner companies.

Can I give my code to someone else?

Assessment code cannot not be shared. The assessments are specific to each individual who takes them, and those results are shared with employers. Sharing the assessment means confusion and that is not good for anyone. If you are found to be sharing your access you will be removed from the platform.

Who can see me on Career Day?

Only the employers associated with the jobs you want, Carer Day personnel that are matching the assessment results to specific jobs, or your school administrators, can see your results. And of course you!

Can I White Label Career Day?

Definitely! We can create whatever level of customization you require for your organization. Just ask us for details and pricing.


How do I use Career Day?

After signing on with us, we’ll work with you to create an outreach program that will tell your story, and give a detailed description of the positions you have and who you want to fill them. That kicks off a year-long outreach effort that will help you fill your open positions and increase community awareness.

What if I don’t like Career Day?

After informing us, we will have a discussion about the issue and try make things better. If we can’t then you can just cancel your presence at any time.

What if I don’t have videos?

You can do everything on Career Day without videos. You’ll be missing an important and perhaps the best part of our platform.

What kind of marketing materials are you talking about?

Outreach can mean many things for your organization. Everything from customized email blasts, posters, flyers, videos and Virtual Reality. We strategize with you on what will work best and then make sure it gets done.

Can I create a company page on Career Day?

Absolutely. When you sign up we can create a customized page(s) for you to host all of your information and videos. Just ask us for the details and pricing.

Can I connect Career Day to my TMS?

Not yet, but integration with Talent Management Systems is in our future planned upgrades. If this is vital to your use of Career Day, please contact us.

Who can see my jobs on Career Day?

Right now, only those people that have come through the outreach program for your listed position. We direct applicants to your jobs based on their assessment results, but we are planning to have a more open platform in the near future.

Can I connect directly to schools?

We are keeping the schools and other agencies that use Career Day services and employers separate. This keeps the playing field level for everyone.

Can I connect directly to students?

Only when an applicant has shown interest in your jobs and has taken the assessment. Once they do, then you’ll get a report telling you whether they have been pre-qualified. That’s when the conversations can start.

How does one create jobs listings on Career Day?

Just sign up for our program and you’ll be up and running. We will set you up with access to the admin portal and you can begin to look at our existing candidates or wait for our outreach to turn up people that might even be a better match.

How do I download a job applicants information?

At this time, you can’t download a list of applicants. You have access to applicants that are right for your job through your employer portal on the website.

How does Career Day find candidates for me?

Once we identify your industry and job needs then we connect you to the right Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways. That leads us to organizations that are focused on those programs and work with them to find you people that are the right fit for you.