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Welcome to Career Day

Career Day was created to help students find the right choice for their first career.

The Career Day program teaches students “best practices” by offering videos and live classes about skills they will need when applying for a job. Here is our automated process.

Career Technical Education is a key component of the Career Day offerings

  • Process starts with a skills assessment designed by the U.S. Dept. of Labor
  • Results will direct students towards career choices that are the best fit using AI matching. 
  • Each company will fit their personalities and skills.
  • Students will have access to credentialed career courses based on Career Technical Educational pathways.

Orestimba High School wanted to check the efficacy of our courses. I have attached summaries of two student surveys for your review.

Summary Results Orestimba High School Executive Coaching

Summary Results Orestimba High School Digital Marketing Course

How can this program aid your students to start successful and rewarding careers?

What can you do better to help your students succeed in a new career?

Please complete the form so that we can connect.


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